Tuesday, March 29, 2005

In Germs Do Our Kids Trust

Well, met the woman at the docs this late afternoonish, litte tyke had an appointment to see what’s been ailing him for the past four weeks or so. Has had persistent headaches, bellyaches, neckaches, and a bout of dry heaves and vomiting, all off and on. Took him to the doc about a month ago for this, when it first started. All seemed to be better, but then, like said, he’d relapse a bit, and then improve, and then get bad again. Frustrating.

What’s fun is the oldest munchkin [who really ain’t much of a munchkin anymore – the lad is growing quite a bit of late – not much longer before he’ll be as tall as his pop, which of course really won’t take too much to do…] had a sudden case of vomit yesterday in school. Kinda funny tho’. Happened during the middle of a science experiment… barfed all over that stuff, some lab papers, his clothes. Evidently was so bad that the science teacher ran out, and a couple other kids also then threw up too! Chain reaction vomiting. Kinda like a chain reaction experiment…

What was frustrating was that Monday was a holiday for me from work, and since the critters were in school, we thought would be great opportunity for just the two of us to go to town, for some kid-less shopping, dining, and bonding. As adults with childs are wont to do on occasion. That is if they desire to reclaim some sense of mental stability, that is. But, alas the gods decided that was not to be. So, ~20 minutes into the travel north, her cell phone rang. We both of course immediately thought it was due to the youngster, but to our surprise the above mentioned partially digested rice crispy sharing episode was brought to our knowledge. So, a U-turn at the next exit brought us back towards his school.

Anyhow, the older one is doing better now today – kept him home from school to recoup and relax. He bummed around the house most of the day, petting the black lab hound, and created a matrix of names vs. awards won for the X-box game Totaled that we all play. See, ya get points for the amount and frequency of damage that you done to your opponent(s), along with various awards such as wrecker, band-aid, wimp, acrobat, etc. depending upon how well your driving and your car performed in various tracks, as you try to demolish other cars, without getting yourself “totaled”. Pretty fun. Virtually destroying cars. Bad thing is that after driving these "fake" cars for some time, not at all a good idea to drive real cars on real highways and byways... trust me on this. Maybe its just me, that I get into the game sooooo much, that my mental state is wondering just how many points I can get for hitting that fool that is creaping and crawling at 60 mph in front of me... Ummm, that will be the subject for another post.

So, the doc said that the littlest version of the Hobbes still has a sinus infection. So, more antibiotics have been picked up at the local Rx. He was running a temp of 100°F at the doc’s. Passed the eye exam with flying colours! So proud that one of the munckers has good eyes! Oldest critter is semi-blind without glasses – poor fella asks about having laser surgery done for his vision… keep tellin’ him one of these days, maybe so.

The woman is wondering when us biggers are gonna be attacked and fall to these viri that are running rampant throughout our critter’s school, as they are elsewhere too. So far, knock on carbon-based flora-type material, both are feeling quite good. Drinking quite a bit of juice [orange-apple-banana and grapefruit], water, tea, soda, beer, wine, whiskey, and… oh, never mind… he heeeee… Anyhow, I’m a semi-firm believer in that mental thoughts and state has immense power to override and influence one’s health. So, keep thinking happy thoughts. Remember that the power of persuasion and words are very commanding to influence your thoughts and well-being. Be a Tigger!!! Growwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllll!!!

So, that concludes this day’s ramblings. Hope that if you made it through this mess, that you didn’t feel too sickly. No runs? No dizziness? No need to visit the throne? No queasy feelings in your abdominal areas? No sweaty palms? No blurred visions? No headaches? If any of these symptoms do occur, well, I’m sure that reading the above post had nothing at all to do with your sickness. Of course, some may claim that either you, the dear reader, or I are indeed sick to some extent – you for reading this, me for typing it and posting it for the entire known world to read.

Hmmmm… wonder how much padding is in those walls…

Let me know, when ya get out. Ok?



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